Private Enterprise Public Safety Act of 202(x) (PEPSA):
The Private Enterprise Public Safety Act is a proposed legislative action sponsored and developed by Privateer Security Forces, L.L.C. in partnership with industry allies and life-long security professionals. PEPSA is designed to empower private security agencies to assist in non law enforcement emergencies, or critical law enforcement emergencies such as active shooters, active assaults, and other incidents which may occur in the presence of a security professional and may not allow, due to time and immediate concern of the incident unfolding, to involve law enforcement. The PEPS Act, or PEPSA, consists of the following ideas:
Tax Code:
The imposition of a small tax on private security companies, to create revenue for program oversight and operation.
Tax break for public safety duty - less tax for companies who accept the responsibility of non law enforcement public first responder duties such as natural disaster aid, medical aid on city sidewalks and in city streets, traffic management at accident scenes not yet controlled by a governmental emergency service, violent incident and active shooter response. (Duty to break up a fight in the street or stop an active shooter, anywhere, anytime)
Traffic Code:
Establishes violet or purple lights as security specific traffic advisory lighting. Establishes legal requirement of right of way for flashing purple lights,
Allows for sirens w/ state registration for the purpose of burglar alarm response, Internal backup requests and public safety render of aid. Defines no legal right to conduct a traffic stop on public roadways . Lights are for traffic advisory, security guard identification and priority response for private emergencies.
Increase training requirements to include Emergency Vehicle driver certification for any guards who use lights or siren on public roadways.
Criminal Code:
Assault on a Public Safety Officer: Add security guards acting in a lawful capacity to the list of Public Safety Officers According to ARS ยง 13-1204(A)(8).
Evading a civil arrest: In the event a citizen's arrest is effected on a person who as committed a crime, and the person who has committed the crime does not yield to the citizen's arrest, and is later apprehended by law enforcement and charged with the crime that the citizen who attempted the arrests was attempting to arrest for, the person who evaded the citizen's arrest is guilty of evading arrest.
Information Technology Policy / Code
Establish alternative means of information exchange with law enforcement, freeing up 911 and providing better inter-agency information. This will allow private security companies to contribute in the search for stolen property and missing persons, as well as allow private security companies to submit low level service requests to law enforcement without the need to contact 911.