Complimentary Community Assistance Services

Our Commitment to Community Safety

At Privateer Security Forces, we believe in being proactive community leaders. As trusted security professionals, we recognize the responsibility to provide certain services to our community, regardless of whether we are sworn law enforcement officers or private security personnel.

To demonstrate our commitment, Privateer Security Forces proudly pledges to offer the following services to our community free of charge and at our own expense:

  • Road Emergency Response: In the event we are the first on the scene of a car accident, our state-of-the-art vehicles and lighting systems will be deployed to secure the crash scene and prevent additional collisions. We will provide "good Samaritan" medical care to any injured individuals using our onboard medical kits and standard first aid certification. Additionally, we will utilize our equipment to direct and maintain the safe flow of traffic until emergency responders arrive.
  • Natural Disaster Response: When a natural disaster affects the public en masse, such as flooding, our PSF personnel will suspend company operations and provide community support. This includes directing traffic, leading or participating in rescue efforts, providing medical care, and offering humanitarian aid and support to emergency services.
  • Violent Incident Intervention: If we are witness to an act of violence, such as physical assault, active shooters, rioting, or looting, and there is an imminent threat to others' safety, we will take immediate action to stop the threat and restore peace and order to the community.

We assure you that we do not require payment or special authority to perform these services. As trained community leaders, these are duties that should be undertaken by capable individuals in times of crisis. We perform these duties as part of our commitment to community safety, and it is our guarantee.