Privateer Academy

Privateer Academy

[Mitigating liability through intensive training]

At Privateer, we believe that liability is a direct result of training. We believe that the state mandated minimums are far too small. 8 hours of training is enough to create a cashier, or a door man, but not enough to train a security professional. Nevertheless, 8 hours is all it takes to become a security guard in Arizona. For armed security, another 16 hours is all that's required, and 8 of that is spent on a firing range. They then arm those people and turn them loose on an wary and untrusting public. By comparison, police departments on average require officers to complete 585 hours of basic training before joining the force. That's 73 times the training! Privateer academy aims to close that gap and create a professional that's well trained for security functions without the unnecessary and inapplicable law enforcement functions taught in the police academy. Our minimum training for armed security is an 80 hour internally designed, proprietary curriculum private security academy that focuses on the esoteric skillset required to create high quality security professionals that maximize effectiveness in duty while minimizing liability through an intense education program. Our Privateers, once hired from the academy and deployed to active service, are then continually educated in our cutting edge facilities on a weekly basis, sharpening and developing skills over time, and eventually learning specialty skills specific to contracts and roles.

Academy Amenities

Located in sunny Tucson, Arizona, our academy features a cutting edge technological training experience, complete with firearms simulators that provide unique training experiences, a highly detailed, entertaining classroom environment aided by video, slide presentations and live demonstrations, and more! By using high tech, cutting edge simulators, we are able to train our privateers in far more than just use of force. Our use of force training simulators are so advanced that they can see and hear our students, and allow for deescalation, intermediary uses of force such as taser and pepper spray, and other measures to be practiced along with traditional use of firearms. We can train with all types of weapon platforms as well, which means more tools for more jobs, and more training to handle the more difficult tasks. We can also combine simulators, throwing a medical situation in the middle of a tactical situation and requiring officers to work together to handle complex multi-emergency situations such as wounded people and active shooters. All this technology amounts to unparalleled training opportunities with limitless repetitions, without the traditional major financial overhead or associated risks and liabilities. It's a win-win situation!

Academy Syllabus

Simulators are great, and they are very helpful tools in teaching. Our real product, however, is our curriculum. Developed by professionals with decades of street experience and training, Privateer teaches a security guard specific curriculum that is not found anywhere else in the United States. Thusly, those that graduate our academy are not given the title of 'security guard'. Our alumni earn the title of 'Privateer'. Our initial education course is a whopping 40 hours in length, and covers subjects such as:

After our privateers graduate from the "academic" portion of the academy, they move to the "tactical" portion, a punishing 40 additional hours of intense physical and academic combat training designed specifically for security professionals. Graduates of this portion will earn three NRA certifications, in addition to their armed guard DPS certification and concealed handgun permit credentials. Our second evolution syllabus includes: